- 5.2. Receive and Pay Bills
5.2.2. A/P Line Mapping - 5.2.1. New Vendor Bill
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5.2.2. A/P Line Mapping
The A/P Line mapping function allows you to select individual line items on a vendor invoice that you wish to pay for at a specific time. If you prefer to only make payment on specific line items on a vendor invoice, you can use the line mapping feature to select those line items to be paid. Typically, only line items that have been received are selected for payment and the payment for the remaining items is made after the additional line items have been received.
A/P Line mapping is optional. You do not have to select each line item on a vendor invoice to pay the vendor invoice. If line item mapping in not used, then the entire amount of the vendor invoice will be paid.
There is a control setting in System Configuration (Company & System Settings tab - System Settings tab) called 'Require items to be received in order to map on A/P line item?' that can be set to Yes or No. If this control is set to No, then any line item on the purchase order can be selected for payment. If this control is set to Yes, then the line items must have a 'Received Date' entered via the entry of Acknowledgement data. If the line item does not have a received date entered and this control is set to Yes, then the line item cannot be selected for payment via the A/P line item mapping function.
After selecting a vendor name and the purchase order number to enter an invoice for, the Create a New Vendor Invoice window will display two links to the right of the PO No. field. These links are [View Purchase Order] and [Map Line Items]
The [View Purchase Order] link allows you to view the actual purchase order.
The [Map Line Items] link allows you to view and select line items on the purchase order to be paid.
In the example below, the [Map Line Items] link has been clicked. Also, the [Map Line Items] link changes to [Hide Line Items]. You can click on this link if you do not wish to map line items.
As you can see in the example above, each purchase order line item is displayed with a line item selection check box and the line item selection box is grayed out. In this example, none of the line items can be mapped because the line items do not have a Received Date entered (acknowledgement info) and the System Configuration control 'Require items to be received in order to map on A/P line item?' is set to Yes.
In the next example, we have set the 'Require items to be received in order to map on A/P line item?' to no which means that we do not have to have a Received Date entered to be able to map line items for payment.
We will select 2 of the three line items to be paid as shown in the following example. After selecting our line items, you will see that the invoice total will be updated to match the line items selected, not the purchase order total amount.
When the Save button is clicked, an error message will be displayed to warn you that the amount being entered does not match the purchase order amount. This alerts you to be sure to that you know that the invoice amount and the purchase order amount are different. Since we are mapping line items and have not selected all purchase order line items, we can ignore this message. The 'Proceed Anyway' allows you to save your invoice.
After reviewing your invoice details and confirming that they are correct, click on the 'Proceed Anyway' button to save your invoice. You can now flag this invoice for payment and only the amount of the selected line items will be paid on this invoice.
You can edit this invoice to select the remaining line items before paying this invoice or you can edit the invoice to select the remaining line items after this invoice has been paid. You do not have to enter a new invoice for the same purchase order to create a new payable entry in your payables list.
- 5.2.2. A/P Line Mapping
5.2. Receive and Pay Bills - « Previous
5.2.1. New Vendor Bill - Next »
5.2.3. Receive Vendor Credits